What is SaaS Backup and How to Protect SaaS Application Data?

According to recent data, the average company’s use of SaaS has grown to over 137 apps, and their typical user uses nine. And that growth trend is not slowing down. And that growth trend is not slowing down. What’s also growing are the number of risks and threats to the data stored in SaaS, which has also become more critical to business operations. Unfortunately, there are huge vulnerabilities to critical SaaS data from provider outages and insufficient daily backups and recovery measures. Cyber attacks amount to 34% of data loss via AttackLoops, phishing emails that lead to costly downtime. However, the biggest risk to SaaS data is human error – 33% of SaaS data loss is due to accidental (and sometimes malicious) deletions by team members. While there are comprehensive recovery solutions and cloud backup services out there designed to provide enhanced security measures, it’s also important to clearly understand the company's specific needs: what is SaaS backup, and why is it so essential to a comprehensive backup strategy?

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