SaaSAssure’s MPA feature changes the security game in significant ways. In a time when intruders are increasingly using valid credentials, MPA makes sure there is another layer of security that can thwart harmful acts. It places the human element and human decision making into a process that sorely needs human oversight. Most security experts agree that it takes a combination of human involvement and technology to thwart increasingly complex forms of cyberattack.
MPA is also a welcome feature for MSPs. Because it is a multitenant solution, SaaSAssure allows MSPs to serve many clients or many departments of a client in one instance. To ease the burden on MSPs, designating admins to approve certain actions, help distribute critical decision making and oversight. What policies to configure for approval and who to pick for admin oversight also allows MSPs to make the most of their internal staff and resources. Pairing the right admin with the right client helps the MSP ensure the best level of support for clients.
Both MSPs and IT and data senior staff can take advantage of another inherent feature of MPA. Knowing how often and why admins may want to move or change data, backups and accounts may give managers insight into how staff interact with these databases. For instance, if an admin is requesting many on-demand backups, managers can find out why, which may indicate an ongoing problem or unexpected demand from a client.
Ultimately, MPA provides both oversight and added security. If the human element can be a weak point in protecting data, it can also become a strong point when paired with the right technology, such as MPA.