How Multiperson Approval Is Revolutionizing SaaS Backup [Secure SaaS Backup Solution]

In this blog, you’ll discover how Multiperson Approval serves as a secure SaaS backup solution:

  • The Truth About Security Threats: Key statistics on credential theft and data breaches.
  • The Impact of Human Error: The impact of non-malicious mistakes on data security.
  • The Current Best-Practice - Multifactor Authentication (MFA): How MFA enhances protection.
  • Pros and Cons of MFA - Why It’s Not Enough Alone: The benefits and limitations of using MFA. 
  • What Is Multiperson Authentication (MPA)?: The benefits of MPA for added oversight.
  • Why SaaSAssure's MPA Feature Is Revolutionary: Real-world applications how MPA helps to prevent data loss.

The Truth About Security Threats

There’s an important question that IT and data managers need to ask now more than ever. Who can they trust to access critical data when theft of cyber credentials is sharply rising? Are users who they really say they are?


Shockingly, 2023 saw an alarming 71% increase in cyberattacks using valid credentials. That was one of the key takeaways from IBM’s X-Force Threat Intelligence Index 2024 report when it was released. The report cited an overall 19% rise in data theft and leakage. That’s bad enough, but last year also saw a huge increase (266%) in the use of “infostealer” software, a Trojan virus that steals login and personal data.

The Impact Of Human Error

Not only must data be protected from attackers using stolen credentials, but it needs to be protected from human error as well. In its latest 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report, Verizon Business reported that 68% of data breaches involved a non-malicious human error. This is the same number as reported last year, showing the persistence of this problem.


This twin problem of preventing data loss by intentional and unintentional actions, by authorized and unauthorized users, may seem like a losing battle, but it’s not. The good news is that best practices still work, especially when teamed up with new, innovative methods to keep data more secure.

The Current Best-Practice: Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

Backup databases are specifically targeted by hackers and cyber criminals to prevent rapid restores to normal business operations. Given the critical role SaaS apps and services play in small and large enterprises, it only makes sense that SaaS data be backed up and secured.


Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is a critical best-practice tool to ensure admins are who they say they are (whether they work for MSPs or internal IT managers). MFA requires not just passwords, but another authenticating step, like a one-time passcode or fingerprint. MFA is remarkably effective.  

Pros and Cons of MFA: Why It's Not Enough Alone

According to this article, MFA can stop up to 96% of bulk phishing attacks and 76% of targeted attacks. Highly targeted attacks are much more rare than bulk phishing attacks. These social engineering attacks often target high-value users such as anyone who would have admin and high-level access to databases.


In addition, MFA has no effect on data loss when it’s caused by human error by a genuine authorized user. While ransomware, and zero-day exploits capture many headlines, human error is responsible for much data loss. Human error is a problem in SaaS backup protection, too, as noted in the SaaSAssure blog “3 Ways to Prevent Human Error in SaaS Applications.”


In a study commissioned by ultra-secure cloud storage provider Asigra, ESG group found that there were a number of causes of accidental data loss involving human error. One-third of data loss incidents (33%) were caused by accidental deletions; 29% involved data loss during account closures (when data was not reassigned to other accounts); and another 23% were caused by a malicious action by an employee (insider threat).

What Is Multiperson Authentication (MPA)?

The lifeblood of today’s enterprise isn’t just data alone – it’s also the people who manage and organize and use that data in everyday business operations. However, the problem with any authentication method is that it still needs another layer of security to be completely effective.


The perfect companion to MFA is MPA, which stands for Multiperson Authentication. This is a first-of-its-kind feature that adds that extra layer of security to SaaS data backup management.


Here’s how it works: MSPs or senior IT administrators who oversee SaaSAssure, a new SaaS data backup solution, set policies at the user level that trigger a requirement for approvals of any potentially destructive action in databases.


IT managers and busy MSPs can be hands-on with all data work; they need staff to handle the daily actions such as assuring backup jobs are stored correctly and accessing data to share with other departments. By configuring alerts for potentially harmful actions (like deleting data or an account), this ensures managerial oversight and confirms legitimate actions – potentially stopping malicious acts by users with stolen credentials. Admins can designate up to two or three other people to sign off on these flagged actions. One of the standout features of MPA is that it addresses potential data loss from intentional and unintentional harm.


Here are the actions that can be configured for MPA approvals:  

  • Edit a backup 
  • Delete backup 
  • On-demand backup 
  • On-demand restore 
  • Deactivate account 
  • Delete account 
  • Remove connector 
  • Delete storage location

Why SaaSAssure's MPA Feature Is Revolutionary

SaaSAssure’s MPA feature changes the security game in significant ways. In a time when intruders are increasingly using valid credentials, MPA makes sure there is another layer of security that can thwart harmful acts. It places the human element and human decision making into a process that sorely needs human oversight. Most security experts agree that it takes a combination of human involvement and technology to thwart increasingly complex forms of cyberattack.


MPA is also a welcome feature for MSPs. Because it is a multitenant solution, SaaSAssure allows MSPs to serve many clients or many departments of a client in one instance. To ease the burden on MSPs, designating admins to approve certain actions, help distribute critical decision making and oversight. What policies to configure for approval and who to pick for admin oversight also allows MSPs to make the most of their internal staff and resources. Pairing the right admin with the right client helps the MSP ensure the best level of support for clients.


Both MSPs and IT and data senior staff can take advantage of another inherent feature of MPA. Knowing how often and why admins may want to move or change data, backups and accounts may give managers insight into how staff interact with these databases. For instance, if an admin is requesting many on-demand backups, managers can find out why, which may indicate an ongoing problem or unexpected demand from a client.


Ultimately, MPA provides both oversight and added security. If the human element can be a weak point in protecting data, it can also become a strong point when paired with the right technology, such as MPA.



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